Lead Guest Editor

  • Special issue, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, 2022 « Learning-based quality prediction of advanced visual multimedia » with S. Bosse (Fraunhofer, Germany), P. Le Callet (LS2N, Nantes, France), M. Farias (Brazil), J. Ballé (Google, USA) and J. Ling (Alibaba, China)
  • Special issue, Journal of Electronic Imaging, 2017 « Image Processing for Cultural Heritage » with D. Picard (France), F. Stanco (Italia) and R. Erdmann (Netherlands)

Guest Editor

  • Springer - Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2022, « Multimedia Data Analysis for Smart City Environment Safety » with Alessandro Bruno (UK), Zoheir Sabeur (UK), Marouane Tliba (France), Evangelos Maltezos (Greece) and Miguel Gonzalez San Emeterio (Spain)
  • Special issue, Journal of Applied Sciences, 2017 « Advances in Perceptual Image Quality Metrics” avec Marius Pedersen (NTNU, Norway)

Associate Editors

IEEE Transactions on Multimedia

IEEE Transaction on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology

Elected member of the IEEE SPS - MMSP TC (Multimedia Signal Processing Technical Committee)

Elected member of the IEEE SPS - IVMSP TC (Image, Video, and Multidimensional Signal Processing)

Elected member of the IEEE SPS - CDC TC (Image, Video, and Multidimensional Signal Processing)

Elected member of the GDR-ISIS committee (i.e. comité de direction)

Area chair (ICIP, ICME, ICASSP, QOMEX, EUSIPCO, IMX, etc.), Publicity Chair, Special Session Chair, Registration Chair, Webmaster, Tutorial chair, Finance Chair, etc.

Steering committee: IEEE IPTA (webmaster since 2016)

Technical Program Committee (ACM MM, ICPR, IPTA, SITIS-QUAMUS, GRETSI, EUVIP, Global-SIP, etc.)

Conference and Workshop Organizer

  • General chair of CBMI 2024, Reykjavik, Iceland (https://cbmi2024.org/)
  • General chair of IPTA 2024, Rabat, Morocco (https://ipta-conference.com/ipta24/)
  • General chair of CBMI 2023, Orleans, France (www.cbmi2023.org)
  • Co-chair of the CSP (Communication and Signal Processing) of the SSD 2022
  • IMX 2023 Worshop: Visual attention in Multimedia Experience (https://vamexp.sciencesconf.org/)
  • 5*GDR-ISIS (topics: Visual attention, quality, cultural heritage)
  • ERIS 2016 (Eye-tracking, Regard, Interactions et Suppléances)
  • Challenge IEEE-ISBI 2014 (15 participants), etc.
  • 9 special sessions (ICIP22, ICIP21, ICME20, IPTA19 (2), ICIP18, GRETSI19, EUVIP18, IPTA15)
  • Session chair (ICIP22, ICASSP 22, ICIP21, ICME20, ICIP18, GRETSI19, IST EI-3DPM, IPTA, CORESA, etc.)




  • Since 2017, elected member of the PRISME’s management board (conseil de laboratoire).
  • Since 2016, communication manager for the Image-Vision team
  • Reviewer of 7 (external) theses
  • Project expertise (ANR, Ville de Paris – projets émergences)
  • Member of selection committee of ATER positions

Supervision Activities

  • Supervision or co-supervision of 12 PhD students (5 ongoing); Main topics: cultural heritage, visual attention, Quality, deep-learning; Modalities: 2D images, stereo images, 3D meshes, 3D point clouds, etc.
  • Co-supervision of 2 Post-Doctoral researchers (+2 related to cultural heritage and health)
  • Supervision of more than 19 Master students


  • « ART and Health : how people with autISM spectrum disorders perceive paintings », ARTISM, Regional project, 2021-2025 (216k€), Partners: iBrain - INSERM (Tours)
  • « Perceptual analysis of paintings », TIC-ART, Regional project, 2019-2023 (370 k€), PhD student + Post-Doc, Partners: C2RMF (Louvre), CESR (Tours), +10 museums of the CVL
  • « Classification of 3D ceramic sherds », ARCADIA, Regional project, 2013-2019 (288 k€), PhD student, Partners: LIFO (Orléans), FAL (Orléans)


  • ANR project, « iO Artificial Intelligence in Orleans : Learning from heterogeneous data and expert knowledge, Applications in geological and environmental sciences », 2020-2023
  • ANR MIMOSA, « Apprentissage automatique et imagerie multimodale pour la prédiction de la gonarthrose », 2019-2023, Deep learning
  • Projet PSPC, Smart-V2I, 2021-2022, « développement d’un système temps réel de diffusion vidéo depuis les véhicules professionnels connectés et les infrastructures routières », Post-Doc, 2021-2022
  • ANR ReVeRy, « Vidéo riche pour une meilleure créativité », in the context of my CNRS delegation
  • Regional project AZIMUT, « Indoor localization », Post-Doc, 2014-2015
  • ANR AI.iO Artificial Intelligence in Orleans, partners: IDP (Orléans), INP-ENSEEIHT (Toulouse)

Ongoing ...

  • Other projects have been submitted (CIFRE, European Project, Regional Project, etc.)



FULL PROFESSOR (Starting from September 1st, 2024)

L2TI Laboratory

University Sorbonne - Paris Nord

Villetaneuse, France


Aladine Chetouani on: ResearchGate, dblp, Google Scholar


Aladine Chetouani is an IEEE senior member. He received his master’s degree in computer science from the University Pierre and Marie Curie, France, in 2005, and his Ph.D. degree in image processing from the University of Paris 13, France, in 2010. From 2010 to 2011, he was a postdoctoral researcher with the L2TI Laboratory, Paris 13 University. In 2020, he benefited from a CNRS delegation year at the L2S laboratory, Centrale Supélec, Université Paris Saclay, France. He is currently an associate professor with the Laboratory PRISME, Orleans, France. He also received the Habilitation degree entitled “On the use of visual attention and deep learning for blind quality assessment of multimedia contents” from Université d'Orléans in 2020. He led and participated in several research projects. He supervised more than 20 students (Ph.D. and Master). He serves as a reviewer for major conferences and journals in the field of image analysis and pattern recognition. He co-edited different special issues in international journals (IEEE JSTSP, MTAP and so forth) and organized different special sessions in international conferences (IEEE ICIP, IEEE ICME, EURASIP EUVIP, etc.). He is co-author of more than 120 research publications in international refereed journals and conference proceedings. He served in several program committees. He is an elected member of IEEE SPS MMSP, IEEE SPS IVMSP and IEEE SPS CDC technical committees. He is one of the co-chairs of the CSP-SSD22. He is/has been the general chair of CBMI23, CBMI24 and IEEE IPTA24. He is one of the TPC chair of EUVIP24. He is an associate editor at IEEE TCSVT and IEEE TMM. His present interests are in perceptual analysis of multimedia content for multimedia contents (2D, stereo, 3D, etc.) using and developing deep learning models. Sevral applications: objet detection, visual attention prediction, classification of medical images, features representation analysis, etc.




Book chapter (x1)

1. W. Elloumi, A. Chetouani, T. Ben Charrada, « Anti-spoofing in face recognition : deep learning and image quality assessment based-approaches», Springer Book, ”Deep Biometrics”, 2020, accepted


International magazine  (x1)

1. A. Chetouani, D. Picard, Filippo Stanco, « Imaging science a boon for cultural heritage applications » SPIE Professional magazine, Avril 2017


Journal paper (x29)


29. Ak, Ali, Zerman, Emin, Quach, Maurice, Chetouani, Aladine, Smolic, Aljosa, Valenzise, Giuseppe and Le Callet, Patrick, "BASICS: Broad Quality Assessment of Static Point Clouds in a Compression Scenario," in IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, doi: 10.1109/TMM.2024.335564

28. A. Chetouani, S. Bosse, P. Le Callet, M. Farias, J. Ballé and J. Li, "Editorial Advancements in Learning-Based Quality Prediction for Advanced Visual Media," in IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, vol. 17, no. 6, pp. 1148-1149, Nov. 2023, doi: 10.1109/JSTSP.2023.3337626.

27. Aladine Chetouani, Muhammad Ali Qureshi, Mohamed Deriche, Azeddine Beghdadi, “Blind quality-based pairwise ranking of contrast changed color images using deep networks,” Signal Processing: Image Communication, Volume 121, 2024, 117059, ISSN 0923-5965, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.image.2023.117059.

26. Amine Mahmoudi, Aladine Chetouani, Fatma Boufera, Hedi Tabia, « Kernel function impact on convolutional neural networks, » CoRR abs/2302.10266 (2023)

25. S. Bourbia, A. Karine, A. Chetouani, M. E. Hassouni and M. Jridi, "No-reference 3D Point Cloud Quality Assessment using Multi-View Projection and Deep Convolutional Neural Network," in IEEE Access, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3247191.

24 Amine Mahmoudi, Aladine Chetouani, Fatma Boufera, Hedi Tabia: Kernel-based convolution expansion for facial expression recognition. Pattern Recognit. Lett. 160: 128-134 (2022)

23. Ben Charrada, T., Tabia, H., Chetouani, A. and Laga, H. (2022), TopoNet : Topology Learning for 3D Reconstruction of Objects of Arbitrary Genus. Computer Graphics Forum. https ://doi.org/10.1111/cgf.14496, 2022

22. Oussama Messai, Aladine Chetouani, Fella Hachouf, Zianou Ahmed Seghir, "3D saliency guided deep quality predictor for no-reference stereoscopic images", Neurocomputing (JCR, Q1), Volume 478, Pages 22-36, ISSN 0925-2312, https ://doi.org/10.1016/j.neucom.2022.01.002., 2022

21. Tliba, Marouane and Kerkouri, Mohamed A. and Ghariba, Bashir and Chetouani, Aladine and  Coltekin, Arzu and Shehata, Mohamed Sami and Bruno, Alessandro, "SATSal : A Multi-Level Self-Attention Based Architecture for Visual Saliency Prediction," in IEEE Access, vol. 10, pp. 20701-20713, doi : 10.1109/ACCESS. 2022.3152189, 2022

20. Chetouani and M. Pedersen, “Image Quality Assessment without Reference by Combining Deep Learning-Based Features and Viewing Distance," Applied Sciences, vol. 11, no. 10, p. 4661, May 2021, doi : 10.3390/app11104661.

19. I. Abouelaziz, A. Chetouani, M. E. Hassouni, H. Cheri and L. J. Latecki, "Learning Graph Convolutional Network for Blind Mesh Visual Quality Assessment," in IEEE Access (JCR, Q1), vol. 9, pp. 108200-108211, 2021, doi : 10.1109/ACCESS. 2021.3094663.

18. M.A. Mahmoudi, A. Chetouani, F. Boufera, H. Tabia « Learnable pooling weights for facial expression recognition », Elsevier Pattern Recognition Letters, 2020, accepted (IF: 3.255)

17. A. Beghdadi, M. A. Qureshi, S. A. Amirshahi, A. Chetouani and M. Pedersen, "A Critical Analysis on Perceptual Contrast and Its Use in Visual Information Analysis and Processing," in IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 156929-156953, 2020, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3019350 (IF: 3.745)

16. A. Chetouani, L. Li « On the use of a scanpath predictor and convolutional neural network for blind image quality assessment », Elsevier Journal Signal Processing : Image Communication, 2020 (IF: 2.814)

15. Y. Nasser, R. Jennane, A. Chetouani, E. Lespessailles, M. El Hassouni, « Discriminative Regularized Auto-Encoder for Early Detection of Knee OsteoArthritis: Data from the Osteoarthritis Initiative », IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 2020, accepted (IF: 7.816)

14. I. Abouelaziz, A. Chetouani, M. El Hassouni, L. Jan Latecki, H. Cherifi, « No-Reference Mesh Visual Quality Assessement via Ensemble of Convolutional Neural Networks and Compact Multi-linear Pooling », Elsevier Pattern Recognition, 2020, accepted (IF: 7.196)

13. A. Chetouani, S. Treuillet, M. Exbrayat, S. Jesset, « Classification of Engraved Pottery Sheard Mixing Deep-Learning Features by Compact Bilinear Pooling », Elsevier Pattern Recognition Letters, 2020, accepted (IF: 3.255)

12. E. Fourati, W. Elloumi, A. Chetouani, « Anti-spoofing in face recognition-based biometric authentication using Image Quality Assessment », Springer, Multimedia Tools And Applications, 2020, accepted (IF: 2.313)

11. I. Abouelaziz, A. Chetouani, M. El Hassouni, L. Jan Latecki, H. Cherifi, « 3D visual saliency and convolutional neural network for blind mesh quality assessment », Springer, Neural Computing and Applications, 2019, accepted (IF: 4.774)

10. M. Hamidi, A. Chetouani, M. El Haziti, M. El Hassouni, H. Cherifi, « Blind Robust 3-D Mesh Watermarking based on mesh Saliency and Wavelet Transform for Copyright Protection » MDPI Information, 2019, accepted

9. F. Boudjenouia, K. Abed-Meraim, A. Chetouani, R. Jennane, « Robust, Blind Multichannel Image Identification And Restoration Using Stack Decoder », IET image Processing, 2018 (IF: 2.004)

8. A. Chetouani, « A 3D Mesh Quality Metric with Reference Based on a Support Vector Regression Model», Journal of Electronic Imaging, 2018

7. S. A. Fezza, A. Chetouani, C. Larabi, « Universal Blind Stereoscopic Image Quality Metric based on Distortion and Asymmetry Awareness », Elsevier Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 2017 (IF: 2.479)

6. T. Debroutelle, S. Treuillet, A. Chetouani, M. Exbrayat, L. Martin, S. Jesset, « Automatic classification of ceramic sherds with relief motifs », Journal of Electronic Imaging, 2017

5. A. Chetouani, D. Picard, F. Stanco, « Image processing for cultural Heritage », Special Section on Image Processing for Cultural Heritage, Journal of Electronic Image, 2017

4. W. Elloumi, A. Latoui, R. Canals, A. Chetouani, S. Treuillet, « Indoor Pedestrian Localization With a Smartphone : A Comparison of Inertial and Vision-Based Methods », IEEE Sensors Journal, pp. 5376 – 538, 2016 (IF: 3.076)

3. Y. Gut, M. Boiret, L. Bultel, T. Renaud, A. Chetouani, A. Hafiane, Y-M Ginot, R. Jennane, « Application of chemometric algorithms to MALDI mass spectrome- try imaging of pharmaceutical tablets », Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, Elsevier, http ://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jpba.2014.11.047, 2014 (IF: 2.983)

2. A. Chetouani, A. Beghdadi, M. A. Deriche, « A hybrid system for distortion classification and image quality evaluation », Signal Processing : Image Communication, 27(9) : 948-960, 2012 (IF: 2.814)

1. A. Chetouani, G. Mostafaoui, A. Beghdadi, ” Deblocking filtering method using a perceptual map”, Elsevier Journal Signal Processing : Image Communication - Special Issue on Image and Video Quality Assessment, Vol. 25, Issue 7, pp. 527-534, 2010 (IF: 2.814)


International Conference papers (x103)

103. Marouane Tliba, Aladine Chetouani, Giuseppe Valenzise, Frédéric Dufaux, “Balancing Representation Abstractions and Local Details Preservation for 3D Point Cloud Quality Assessment”, IEEE ICASSP 2024

102. Salima Bourbia, Ayoub Karine, Aladine Chetouani, Mohammed El Hassouni, Maher Jridi, « Deep Learning Multi-View Fusion for Blind 3D Point Cloud Quality Assessment,” Affinity Workshop NAML (North Africans in Machine Learning Workshop) of NeurIPS 2023, Dec 2023,

101. Alessandro Bruno, Pier Luigi Mazzeo, Aladine Chetouani, Marouane Tliba, Mohamed Amine Kerkouri, “Insights into Classifying and Mitigating LLMs' Hallucinations,” AIxPAC@AI*IA 2023: 50-63

100. Aymen Sekhri, Mohamed Amine Kerkouri, Aladine Chetouani, Marouane Tliba, Yassine Nasser, Rachid Jennane, Alessandro Bruno:Automatic diagnosis of knee osteoarthritis severity using Swin transformer,” CBMI 2023: 41-47

99. Salima Bourbia, Ayoub Karine, Aladine Chetouani, Mohammed El Hassouni, Maher Jridi, « Multi-stream Point-based model for Blind Geometric Point Cloud Quality Assessment,”. CBMI 2023: 224-228

98. Zhe Wang, Aladine Chetouani, Rachid Jennane, “Transformer with Selective Shuffled Position Embedding for Early Detection of Knee Osteoarthritis,” CBMI 2023: 261-264

97. Alessandro Bruno, Marouane Tliba, Mohamed Amine Kerkouri, Aladine Chetouani, Carlo Calogero Giunta, Arzu Çöltekin,”Detecting colour vision deficiencies via Webcam-based Eye-tracking: A case study,” ETRA 2023: 39:1-39:2

96. Marouane Tliba, Aladine Chetouani, Giuseppe Valenzise, Frédéric Dufaux, “Multi-Modal Evaluation of 3D Point Clouds Images: A Novel No-Reference Approach Using a Multi-Stream Attentive Architecture,” EUSIPCO 2023: 680-684

95. Marouane Tliba, Aladine Chetouani, Giuseppe Valenzise, Frédéric Dufaux, « PCQA-Graphpoint: Efficient Deep-Based Graph Metric for Point Cloud Quality Assessment,” ICASSP 2023: 1-5

94. Mohamed Amine Kerkouri, Marouane Tliba, Aladine Chetouani, Alessandro Bruno, “An Inter-Observer Consistent Deep Adversarial Training for Visual Scanpath Prediction,” ICIP 2023: 2595-2599

93. Aladine Chetouani, “Comparative Study of Saliency- and Scanpath-Based Approaches for Patch Selection in Image Quality Assessment,” ICIP 2023: 2670-2674

92. Fouad Boudjenouia, Karim Abed-Meraim, Aladine Chetouani, Rachid Jennane, “Blind Image Separation Using Composite Criteria based on Statistical Information and Sparse Representation,” IPTA 2023: 1-6


90. Marouane Tliba, Mohamed Amine Kerkouri, Aladine Chetouani, Alessandro Bruno, « Self Supervised Scanpath Prediction Framework for Painting Images”, Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, CVPR-W, Pages 1539-1548, 2022

89. Marouane Tliba, Aladine Chetouani, Giuseppe Valenzise, Frédéric Dufaux: “Point Cloud Quality Assessment Using Cross-correlation of Deep Features”, QoEVMA @ ACM Multimedia 2022: 63-68

88. Salima Bourbia, Ayoub Karine, Aladine Chetouani, Mohammed El Hassouni, Maher Jridi: No-reference Point Clouds Quality Assessment using Transformer and Visual Saliency. QoEVMA @ ACM Multimedia 2022: 57-62

87. Mohamed Amine Kerkouri, Marouane Tliba, Aladine Chetouani, Alessandro Bruno: A domain adaptive deep learning solution for scanpath prediction of paintings. CBMI 2022: 57-63

86. Marouane Tliba, Mohamed Amine Kerkouri, Aladine Chetouani, Alessandro Bruno: Self Supervised Scanpath Prediction Framework for Painting Images. CVPR Workshops 2022: 1538-1547

85. Zohaib Amjad Khan, Giuseppe Valenzise, Aladine Chetouani, Frédéric Dufaux: “Towards an Image Utility Assessment Framework for Machine Perception”, EUSIPCO 2022: 568-572

84. O Messai, A Chetouani, “End-to-end deep multi-score model for No-reference stereoscopic image quality assessment”, 2022 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2721-2725

83. M Tliba, A Sekhri, MA Kerkouri, A Chetouani, “Deep-based quality assessment of medical images through domain adaptation” 2022 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 3692-3696

82. M Tliba, A Chetouani, G Valenzise, F Dufaux, “Representation learning optimization for 3d point cloud quality assessment without reference”, 2022 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 3702-3706

81. Zhe WANG, Aladine Chetouani, Didier Hans, Eric Lespessailles, Rachid Jennane, "Siamese-Gap Network for Early Detection of Knee Osteoarthritis", IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI) 2022, accepted.

80. Mohamed A. Kerkouri and Aladine Chetouani, "A simple and efficient deep scanpath prediction", Electronic Imaging - Human Vision and Electronic Imaging 2022

79. Mohamed A. Kerkouri, Marouane Tliba, Aladine Chetouani, and Mohamed Sayah, "SalyPath360 : Saliency and scanpath prediction framework for omnidirectional images", Electronic Imaging - Human Vision and Electronic Imaging 2022

78. Aladine Chetouani, Maurice Quach, Giuseppe Valenzise, Frédéric Dufaux, "Learning-based 3D Point Cloud Quality Assessment using a Support Vector Regressor", Image Quality and System Performance, IST International Symposium on Electronic Imaging (EI 2022), Jan 2022

77. Salima Bourbia, Ayoub Karine, Aladine Chetouani, Mohammed El Hassouni, "Blind Projection-based 3D Point Cloud Quality Assessment Method using a Convolutional Neural Network", VISIGRAPP (4 : VISAPP) 2022 : 518-525

76. Mahmoudi, M.A., Chetouani, A., Boufera, F., Tabia, H. (2021). Deep Kernelized Network for Fine-Grained Recognition. In : Mantoro, T., Lee, M., Ayu, M.A., Wong, K.W., Hidayanto, A.N. (eds) Neural Information Processing. ICONIP 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science(), vol 13110. Springer, Cham. https ://doi.org/10.1007/978- 3-030-92238-29

75. I. Abouelaziz, A. Chetouani, M. El Hassouni and H. Cherifi, "No-Reference Mesh Visual Quality Assessment Using Graph-Based Deep Learning," 2021 IEEE 23rd International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP), 2021, pp. 1-6, doi : 10.1109/MMSP53017.2021.9733513.

74. A. Chetouani, M. Quach, G. Valenzise and F. Dufaux, "Convolutional Neural Network for 3D Point Cloud Quality Assessment with Reference," 2021 IEEE 23rd International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP), 2021, pp. 1-6, doi : 10.1109/MMSP53017.2021.9733565.

73. A. Chetouani, M. Quach, G. Valenzise and F. Dufaux, "Combination of Deep Learning-Based and Handcrafted Features for Blind Image Quality Assessment," 2021 9th European Workshop on Visual Information Processing (EUVIP), 2021, pp. 1-6, doi : 10.1109/EUVIP50544.2021.9484013.

72. M.A. Mahmoudi, A. Chetouani, F. Boufera and H. Tabia, "Taylor Series Kernelized Layer for Fine-Grained Recognition," 2021 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2021, pp. 1914-1918, doi : 10.1109/ICIP42928.2021.9506221.

71. M.A. Kerkouri, M. Tliba, A. Chetouani and R. Harba, "Salypath : A Deep- Based Architecture For Visual Attention Prediction," 2021 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2021, pp. 1464-1468, doi : 10.1109/ICIP42928.2021.9506295

70. S. Bourbia, A. Karine, A. Chetouani and M. E. Hassoun, "A Multi-Task Convolutional Neural Network For Blind Stereoscopic Image Quality Assessment Using Naturalness Analysis," 2021 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2021, pp. 1434-1438, doi : 10.1109/ICIP42928.2021.9506639.

69. A. Chetouani, M. Quach, G. Valenzise and F. Dufaux, "Deep Learning-Based Quality Assessment Of 3d Point Clouds Without Reference," 2021 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Expo Workshops (ICMEW), 2021, pp. 1-6, doi : 10.1109/ICMEW53276.2021.9455967.

68. M.A. Mahmoudi, A. Chetouani, F. Boufera, H. Tabia, "Improved Bilinear Model for Facial Expression Recognition," Pattern Recognition and Arti cial Intelligence 1322, 47, 2021

67. M. Quach, A. Chetouani, G. Valenzise, F. Dufaux, "A deep perceptual metric for 3D point clouds", EI 2021

66. Oussama Messai, Chetouani, Fella Hachouf, Zianou Ahmed Seghir, "3D Saliency and Deep neural network for Blind Stereoscopic Image Quality Assessment", EI 2021

65. Oussama Messai, Chetouani, Fella Hachouf, Zianou Ahmed Seghir, "Deep Features Extraction from Cyclopean Image for Blind Stereoscopic Image Quality Assessment", EI 2021

64. M.A. Mahmoudi, A. Chetouani, F. Boufera, H. Tabia, "Kernelized Dense Layers For Facial Expression Recognition," IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), pp. 2226-2230, doi : 10.1109/ICIP40778.2020.9190694., 2020

63. I. Abouelaziz, A. Chetouani, M. El Hassouni, L.J. Latecki, H Cherifi, "Combination Of Handcrafted And Deep Learning-Based Features For 3D Mesh Quality Assessment", IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), pp. 171- 175, doi : 10.1109/ICIP40778.2020.9191092., 2020

62. A. Chetouani, M. Pedersen, S. Le Moan, "Prediction of Chromatic Visual Masking with Deep Learning", IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), pp. 146-150, doi : 10.1109/ICIP40778.2020.9191265., 2020

61. S. Le Moan, M; Pedersen, A. Chetouani, "High-Level Visual Masking of Image Compression Artefacts,"IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), pp. 166-170, doi : 10.1109/ICIP40778.2020.9190877., 2020

60. R. Guetari, A. Chetouani, H. Tabia, N. Khlifa, "Real time emotion recognition in video stream, using B-CNN and F-CNN", International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Signal and Image Processing (ATSIP), pp. 1-6, doi : 10.1109/ATSIP49331.2020.9231902., 2020

59. A. Chetouani, "Image Quality Assessment Without Reference By Mixing Deep Learning-Based Features,"IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), pp. 1-6, doi : 10.1109/ICME46284.2020.9102903., 2020

58. M. Ben Jabra, R. Guetari, A. Chetouani, H. Tabia, ”Facial Expression Recogni- tion Using the Bilinear Pooling”, VISAPP, 2020, accepted

57. I. Abouelaziz, A. Chetouani, M. El Hassouni, H. Cherifi, « Full reference mesh visual quality assessment using pre-trained network and quality indices.», IEEE SITIS 2019

56. A. Chetouani, M. Pedersen, « On the use of a convolutional neural network to predict perceptual quality of images without reference for different viewing dis- tances », IEEE ICIP 2019

55. A. Chetouani, « Blind utility and quality assessment using a convolutional neural network and a patch selection », IEEE ICIP 2019

54. I. Abouelaziz, A. Chetouani, M. El Hassouni, L. Jan Latecki, H. Cherifi, «Mesh Visual Quality based on the combination of convolutional neural networks », IEEE IPTA 2019

53. A. Chetouani, M. A. Qureshi, M. Deriche, A. Beghdadi, « A Novel Ranking Algo- rithm of Enhanced Images using a Convolutional Neural Network and a Saliency- based Patch Selection Scheme », IEEE QOMEX, 2019, selected among the 6 best papers

52. M. Hamidi, A. Chetouani, M. El Haziti, M. El Hassouni, H. Cherifi, « A Robust Blind 3-D Mesh Watermarking Technique based on SCS Quantization and Mesh Saliency for Copyright Protection » MSPN, 2019

51. A. Chetouani, « Convolutionnal neural network and saliency selection for blind image quality assessment», IEEE ICIP 2018

50. A. Chetouani, T. Debroutelle, S. Treuillet, M. Exbrayat, S. Jesset « Classification of ceramic shards based on Convolutionnal neural network», IEEE ICIP 2018

49. I. Abouelaziz, A. Chetouani, M. El Hassouni, L. Jan Latecki, H. Cherifi, « A convolutionnal neural network framework for blind mesh visual quality assess- ment», IEEE ICIP 2018

48. A. Chetouani, « A blind image quality assessment using a selection of relvant patches based on convolutionnal neural network», EUSIPCO 2018

47. A. Chetouani, M. El Hassouni and R. Jennane, « Blind Stereoscopic Image Qua- lity Assessment Convolutional Neural Network and Support Vector Regression», IEEE ISIVC, 2018

46. M. El Hassouni, A. Chetouani, and R. Jennane, « A new weighted normal-based filter for 3D mesh denoising», IEEE ISIVC, 2018

45. I. Abouelaziz, A. Chetouani, M. El Hassouni, H. Cherifi, « blind mesh visual quality assessment method based on Convolutionnal neural network », Electronic Imaging – 3DIPM, 2018

44. I. Abouelaziz, A. Chetouani, M. El Hassouni, H. Cherifi, « Reduced reference mesh visual quality assessment based on convolutional neural network », IEEE SITIS, QUAMUS, 2018

43. A. Chetouani, « Convolutionnal neural network and support vector machine for blind stereoscopic image quality assessment with reference », Electronic Imaging – Image Quality, 2018

42. A. Chetouani, M. El Hassouni, « How to Optimize the Utilization of Image Quality Metrics in Computer Vision ?» ACM Mediterranean Conference on Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence (MEDPRAI), 2018

41. A. Chetouani, « A 3D mesh image quality metric based on features fusion », Electronic Imaging – 3DIPM, 2017

40. I. Abouelaziz, A. Chetouani, M. El Hassouni, H. Cherifi, « Mesh visual quality metrics : a comparison study », IEEE SITIS – QUAMUS, 2017

39. A. Chetouani, « A fusion-based blind image quality metric for blurred stereoscopic images », IEEE ATSIP, p. 1-5, 2017

38. T. Debroutelle, A. Chetouani, S. Treuillet, M. Exbrayat, S. Jess ́e, « Classification of Friezes Engraved on Ceramic Sherds from 3D Scans», IEEE ISSPIT (IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology), 2016

37. S. A. Fezza, A. Chetouani, C. Larabi, « Universal blind image quality assessment for stereoscopic images », pp. 1-4, IEEE 3DTV-Conference, 2016

36. A. Chetouani, « Toward a Universal Learning-Based Image Quality Metric with Reference for Stereoscopic Images », ACS/IEEE AICCSA (International Confe- rence on Computer Systems and Applications), 2016

35. F. Boudjenouia, R. Jennane, K. Abed-Meraim, A. Chetouani, « On the use of all- at-once optimization technique for image restoration quality improvement », IEEE ICHICS, (International Conference of High Innovation in Computer Science), 2016

34. A. Chetouani, « An Image Quality Metric with Reference for Multiply Distorted Image », pp. 477-485, ACIVS, 2016

33. F. Boudjenouia, R. Jennane, K. Abed-Meraim, A. Chetouani, « Sequential stack decoder for multichannel image restoration », pp. 1293-1297, EUSIPCO, 2016

32. F. Boudjenouia, K. Abed-Meraim, A. Chetouani, R. Jennane, « On the use of image quality measures for image restoration », pp. 1-6, IEEE IPTA (International Conference on Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications), 2016

31. A. Chetouani, « Toward a Universal Stereoscopic Image Quality Metric Without Reference », pp. 604-612, ACIVS, 2015

30. T. Debroutelle, R. Janvier, A. Chetouani, S. Treuillet, M. Exbrayat, L. Martin, S. Jesset, « Automatic pattern recognition on archaeological ceramic by 2D and 3D image analysis : A feasibility study », pp. 224-228, Special session on Image processing and cultural heritage, IEEE IPTA , 2015

29. A. Chetouani, « A Reduced Reference Image Quality Assessment For Multiply Distorted Images », ACS/IEEE AICCSA (International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications), 2015

28. R. Jennane, A. Chetouani, A. Hafiane, M. Exbrayat, L. Martin, « Texture Cha- racterization of Bone Radiograph Images. Application to Osteoporosis Diagnosis », IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, 2014

27. A. Chetouani, « Full Reference Image Quality Assessment : Limitation », pp. 833-837, ICPR (International Conference on Pattern Recognition), 2014

26. Ahmed Derbel, A. Chetouani, Sylvie Treuillet, Bruno Emile, Nabila Mansouri, Yousra Ben Jemaa, « Interest lower body point’s detection for markerless gait analysis », pp. 181-186, IEEE IPTA (International Conference on Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications), 2014

25. A. Chetouani, « Neural learning-based image quality metric without reference », pp. 437-442, IEEE IPTA (International Conference on Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications), 2014

24. A. Chetouani, « Full reference image quality metric for stereo images based on Cyclopean image computation and neural fusion », pp. 109-112, IEEE VCIP (Visual Communications and Image Processing), 2014

23. W. Elloumi, K. Guissous, A. Chetouani, S. Treuillet, « Improving a vision indoor localization system by a saliency-guided detection », pp. 149-152, IEEE VCIP (Visual Communications and Image Processing), 2014

22. A. Chetouani, A. Beghdadi, M. Deriche, « Degradation Identification for Full- Reference Image Quality Measure Selection », SIVA (International Conference on Signal, Image, Vision and their Applications), 2013

21. K. Guissous, W. Elloumi, A. Chetouani, S. Treuillet, « A visual perdestrian lo- calization using a smartphone », IEEE-EUVIP (European Workshop on Visual Information Processing), Student Session, 2013

20. W. Elloumi, K. Guissous, A. Chetouani, R. Leconge, S. Treuillet, « Indoor na- vigation assistance with a Smartphone camera based on vanishing points », pp. 28-3, IEEE-IPIN 2013 (International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation), 2013

19. A. Chetouani, A. Beghdadi, A. Bouzerdoum, M. A. Deriche, « A new scheme for no reference image quality assessment », IEEE IPTA 2012 : 270-274, 2012

18. A. Chetouani, Azeddine Beghdadi, ”A No Reference Image Quality Metric for Blur and Ringing Effect based on a Neural Weighting Scheme,” SPIE - Electronic Imaging - Image Quality and System Performance VIII, Vol. 8293, http ://dx.doi.org/ 10.1117/12.9080212012, San Francisco, USA, 2012.

17. A. Chetouani, Azeddine Beghdadi, Mohamed Deriche, Abdelsalem Bouzerdoum, ”A reduced reference image quality metric based on features fusion” EUSIPCO (European Signal Processing Conference), pp. 589-593, Barcelona, Spain, 2011

16. A. Chetouani, Azeddine Beghdadi, ”A new image quality estimation approach for jpeg2000 compressed images,” ISSPIT (IEEE Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology), pp. 581-584, Bilbao, Spain, 2011

15. A. Saleem, A. Beghdadi, A. Chetouani, B. Boashash, ”A Radon Wigner Ville Based Image Dissimilarity Measure,” SSCI-CIMSIVP (IEEE Sympo- sium on Computational Intelligence for Multimedia, Signal and Vision Processing), pp. 122-126, Paris, France, 2011

14. A. Chetouani, A. Beghdadi, ”Image quality assessment based on distortion identification,” SPIE - Electronic Imaging - Image Quality and System Performance VIII, Vol. 7867, pp. 78670E-78670E-9, San Francisco, USA, 2011

13. A. Chetouani, A. Beghdadi, M. Deriche, ”A universal full reference image quality metric based on a neural fusion approach”, IEEE-ICIP, pp. 2517-2520, 2010.

12. A. Chetouani, A. Beghdadi, M. Deriche, ”Classification of image degradation using multiple image quality metrics and linear discriminant analysis”, EUSIPCO, 2010

11. A. Chetouani, A. Beghdadi, M. Deriche, ”Statistical modeling of image degrada- tion based on quality metrics”, IEEE-ICPR, pp. 714-717, 2010.

10. A. Chetouani, A. Beghdadi, M. Deriche, ”Image distortion analysis and classi- fication scheme using a neural approach”, IEEE-EUVIP, pp. 183-186, 2010, Best Student Paper Award.

9. A. Chetouani, P-B. Nguyen, M. Luong and G. Mostafaoui, ”Content-based wa- termarking robust to low bit rate jpeg compression”, IEEE-ISSPA, pp. 29-32, 2010.

8. M. Deriche, A. Beghdadi, A. Chetouani, ”A distortion-based ranking of image quality indices using mutual information”, IEEE-ISSPA, pp. 484-487, 2010.

7. A. Chetouani, A. Beghdadi, S. Chen, G. Mostafaoui, ”A free reference image quality measure using neural networks”, VPQM, 2010.

6. S. Chen, A. Beghdadi, A. Chetouani, ”A new color image quality index”, VPQM, 2010

5. A. Chetouani, G. Mostafaoui, A. Beghdadi, ”Deblocking method using a percep- tual recursive filter”, IEEE-ICIP, pp. 3925-3928, 2009.

4. A. Chetouani, G. Mostafaoui, A. Beghdadi, ”A new free reference image qua- lity index based on perceptual blur estimation”, IEEE-PCM, pp. 1185-1196, 2009, Published in Lecture notes in Computer Science Series, Vol. 5876 (Springer).

3. A. Chetouani, A. Beghdadi, M. Deriche, ”A new no reference image quality index for blur estimation in the frequency domain”, IEEE-ISSPIT, pp. 155-159, 2009.

2. A. Chetouani, G. Mostafaoui, A. Beghdadi, ”Predicting blocking effect in the spatial domain using a learning approach”, IEEE-SIGMAP, pp. 197-201, 2008.

1. S. Chen, A. Beghdadi, A. Chetouani, ”Multi-scale and scalable video quality assessment”, IEEE-ICCE, pp. 1-2, 2008.


National Conference papers (x22)


22. Marouane Tliba, Aladine Chetouani, Giuseppe Valenzise, Frédéric Dufaux, « A Novel No-Reference Point Clouds Quality Metric using Transformer Similar Architecture, » GRETSI 2023 - XXIXème Colloque Francophone de Traitement du Signal et des Images, 2023

21. Salima Bourbia, Ayoub Karine, Aladine Chetouani, Mohammed El Hassouni, Maher Jridi, « Évaluation de la qualité de nuages de points 3D sans référence en utilisant un transformer et la saillance visuelle », GRETSI 2023 - XXIXème Colloque Francophone de Traitement du Signal et des Images, 2023

20. Mohamed Amine KERKOURI, Marouane Tliba, Aladine Chetouani and Alessandro Bruno, ”SCANPNT : Une méthode de prédiction du chemin de visuelle oculaires légère et efficace”, GRETSI 2022

19. M Tliba, A Sekhri, A Chetouani, « Évaluation de la qualité des images médicales basée sur un apprentissage par adaptation au domaine» GRETSI2022

17. M Tliba, A Chetouani, G Valenzise, F Dufaux, « Optimisation de l’apprentissage des représentations pour l’évaluation de la qualité des nuages de points 3D sans référence» XXVIIIe Colloque GRETSI 2022

17. T. Debroutelle, A. Chetouani, M. Exbrayat, S. Treuillet, S. Jesset, « Classification de tessons céramiques gravés par réseaux de neurones convolutifs», GRETSI 2019

16. A. Chetouani, « Réseau de neurones convolutif et parcours visuel pour l’estimation de la qualité d’image sans référence», GRETSI 2019

15. I. Abouelaziz, A. Chetouani, M. El Hassouni, H. Cherifi, « évaluation de la qualité visuelle des maillages 3D en utilisant un réseau neuronal convolutif et la saillance visuelle», GRETSI 2019

14. T. Ben Charrada, W. Elloumi, A. Chetouani, «Détection des attaques de présentation en reconnaissance faciale en combinant l’apprentissage profond et les motifs binaires locaux » CORESA 2018

13. A. Chetouani, « réseau de neurone convolutionnel et support vecteur machine pour l’estimation de la qualité d’image sans référence», GRETSI 2017

12. A. Chetouani, A. beghdadi, « Nouvelle approche d’estimation de la qualité sans référence des images compressées JPEG2000», CORESA, 2017

11. E. Fourati, W. Elloumi, A. Chetouani, « Anti-spoofing en reconnaissance faciale avec la mesure de qualité des images», CORESA, 2017

10. I. Abouelaziz, A. Chetouani, M. El Hassouni, H. Cherifi, « réseau de neurone convolutif pour l’évaluation de la qualité des maillages 3D», CORESA, 2017

9. L. Martin, M. Exbrayat, T. Debroutelle, A. Chetouani, S. Treuillet, S. Jesset « Recherche de groupes parallèles en classification non-supervisée », pp. 69-80, EGC (Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances), 2016

8. T. Debroutelle, A. Chetouani, S. Jesset, S. Treuillet, M. Exbrayat, L. Martin, « Extraction et classification de motifs de tessons de céramique », RFIA (Reconnais- sance de Formes et Intelligence Artificielle), 2016

7. Y. Gut, M. Boiret, A. Chetouani, R. Jennane, « Analyse de comprimés pharmaceutiques, application des outils chimiométriques à l’imagerie par spectrom ́etrie de masse MALDI », Colloque de Chimiométrie, 2016

6. A. Chetouani, « Mesures de qualité d’images avec référence : Limitation », GRETSI, 2015

5. T. Debroutelle, A. Chetouani, S. Jesset, S. Treuillet, M. Exbrayat, L. Martin, « Détection automatique de motifs céramiques archéologiques par analyse d’images 2D », GRETSI, 2015

4. T. Debroutelle, A. Chetouani, S. Jesset, S. Treuillet, M. Exbrayat, L. Martin, « De la roulette du potier au territoire économique : projet de classement automatisé de décors issus des ateliers du haut Moyen Âge de Saran (Loiret) », Colloque GMPCA (Groupe des M ́ethodes Pluridisciplinaires Contribuant à l’Archéologie), 2015

3. A. Chetouani, A. Beghdadi, ”Estimation de la qualité sans référence des images compressées JPEG2000 ,” GRETSI (Groupe de Recherche et d’Etudes du Trai- tement du Signal), Bordeaux, France, 2011

2. Z. Haddad, A. Chetouani, A. Beghdadi, ”Mesure de qualité d’image basée sur une transformée en ondelettes géométriques,” GRETSI (Groupe de Recherche et d’Etudes du Traitement du Signal), Bordeaux, France, 2011

1. A. Chetouani, G. mostafaoui, A. Beghdadi, ”Méthode de prédiction des effets de blocs dans les standards de compression”, CORESA, 2009


Nationales Conference without proceeding (x4)

4. T. Debroutelle, A. Chetouani, S. Jesset, S. Treuillet, M. Exbrayat, L. Martin, « Extraction et classification automatique de motifs céramiques archéologiques par analyse d’images 2D », Présentation à la journ ́ee GDR-ISIS : Traitement du signal et des images pour l’art et le patrimoine, 2016

3. R. Janvier, T. Debroutelle, A. Chetouani, S. Treuillet, M. Exbrayat, L. Mar- tin, S. Jesset, « Etude de faisabilité d’une reconnaissance automatique de motifs céramiques archéologiques par analyse d’images 2D et 3D » ORASIS, 2014

2. W. Elloumi, K. Guissous, A. Chetouani, R. Leconge, S. Treuillet, « Amelioration d’un systeme de localisation intérieure par la saillance visuelle », ERIS (Eye- tracking, Regard, Interactions et Suppl ́eances), 2014

1. K. Guissous, W. Elloumi, A. Chetouani, « Localisation indoor : vers une aide à la mobilité de personnes malvoyantes », Colloque Jeunes Chercheurs, Jeunes Chercheuses. Participation au Challenge Handicap et Technologie, Prix du défi ”Mobilité”, 2013



Invited talks (x6)

6. A. Chetouani, ”New trends on machine learning for image quality”, CIC, 2019

5. Invité lors de la table ronde sur le thème de l’intelligence artificielle : IEEE ATSIP 2017

 4. A. Chetouani, « Traitement d’images pour l’art», Salon-forum des partenaires et prestataires de mussées en région Centre-Val de Loire, 2017

3. A. Chetouani, « Reconnaissance automatique de motifs céramiques pour l’analyse archéologique de tessons céramiques par réseaux de neurones convolutionnels», Journée Intelligence Artificielle, 2`eme journée du Projet CASCIMODOT 2017

2. A. Chetouani, E. Fourati « Face antispoofing using image quality assessment », Journée de la Biométrie 2017

1. A. Chetouani, « How to improve the performance of existing quality metrics », IEEE EUVIP 2016


Awards et Challenges (x5)


5. IEEE ICIP 2023 - Grand Challenge: "Point Cloud Visual Quality Assesment", A. Chetouani, G. Valenzise, A. Ak, E. Zerman, M. Quach, M. Tliba,M. A. Kerkouri, and P. Le Callet, https://sites.google.com/view/icip2023-pcvqa-grand-challenge, 2023.

4. E. Fourati, W. Elloumi, A. Chetouani, « Face anti-spoofing with image quality assessment », IEEE BIOSMART, best student paper, 2017

3. Challenge IEEE-ISBI : Texture Characterization of Bone Radiograph Images. Application to Osteoporosis Diagnosis, 2014
http ://www.univ-orleans.fr/i3mto/challenge-ieee-isbi-bone-texture-characterization

2. Challenge Handicap, Vieillissement, Indépendance, Technologie, 1er Prix du défi ”Mobilité”, K. Guissous, W. Elloumi, A. Chetouani, Localisation indoor : vers une aide à la mobilité de personnes malvoyantes, 2013

1. A. Chetouani, A. Beghdadi, M. Deriche, ”Image distortion analysis and classi- fication scheme using a neural approach”, IEEE-EUVIP, pp. 183-186, 2010, best student paper.
